
Fanongonongo mei he Potungaue

Public Notice

Talatalanoa Week and National Commemoration of “Global Surveyors Day” and “World Water Day”

The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources is currently hosting a series of events with the aim of improving and enhancing its operation and its services to the public. These events focus on enhancing the Ministry's efforts in the administration and management of land and natural resources for the benefit of all Tongans. These above-mentioned events are as follows:

  1. A two (2) day retreat (Talatalanoa) for senior officials was held from March 15th- 16th this week. This was attended by the Hon. Minister, executives, key stakeholders, and senior staff of the Ministry. The aim of the retreat was to review the Ministry's performance to identify key areas within its operations and service delivery that needs to be improved to enhance its services to the public. The retreat also included team-building activities and brainstorming sessions, which provided opportunities to exchange ideas and best practices.
  2. A combined Sunday service on 19th March 2023 to commence the commemoration of the ‘Global Surveyors Day’ and ‘World Water Day’. The service will be led by the Hon Minister at Sia’atoutai Theological College. The Global Surveyors’ Day is on March 21st and the World Water Day is on March 22nd.

    ‘Global Surveyors Day’ has been officially designated as a way to globally recognize the ground-breakers, pioneers, individuals, and the industry that has shaped our history and continues to be the foundation of our communities. The Surveyors Day also provides an opportunity for the Ministry to raise awareness of the work of surveyors and the surveying professions and the significance of their contributions to society.

    ‘World Water Day’ is a global campaign “Be the Change”, which encourages people to take action in their own lives to change the way they use, consume, and manage water. This year focuses on the observance of accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis. It reaffirms water and sanitation measures are key to poverty reduction, economic growth, and environmental sustainability.
  3. The combined events initiate a week-long set of television programs that have been scheduled every day from Monday 20th to Saturday 25th of March. This is to clarify to the public the roles and responsibilities of the Ministry and also of each division and section within the Ministry. This will be broadcasted from TV Tonga during the week, every night at 9PM.

The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources remains committed to its mandate and improving its services to the public and the people of Tonga. The Ministry invites the public to continue to support its efforts to achieve its goals.

For more information, please contact the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources at +(676) 7401301 or visit our website at