This division contributes to the promotion of a diverse economy by stimulating economic growth through the responsible use of our natural resources, this uncludes; water, ocean, land, minerals, and aggregates. It also supports the protection of the environment by ensuring sustainable management of our natural resources and by supporting responsible development.
Sustainable management of water resources, effective advice on impact of climate change, increase rainfall intensity causing floods, prolonged dry spells thinning groundwater lens to stakeholders, strengthen resilience to negative impacts.
Integrated approach to management of coastal areas to ensure sustainability of coastal resources as construction aggregates, effective advice on impact of climate change, increasing sea level and coastal erosion, storm surges and inundation to stakeholders, and strengthen resilience to negative impacts.
Sustainable management of deep seabed minerals, petroleum hydrocarbon, and advice on investments in high-risk high revenue potential sector for economic growth, ensuring maritime boundaries are agreed with neighbouring states.
Effective advice on status of geohazard activities and potential threats to Tonga Islands, and provide wide sector awareness on the causes, behaviour and response, evacuation plans to reduce risk and deaths per disaster event.